Monday, June 21, 2010

First Father's Day

Yesterday was Steven's very first Father's Day! We went to the early service at church, I made an ice cream cake and we went to my family's house for a BBQ and spent the day relaxing.

Nahum is 6 weeks old now and has continued to do SO much changing! We just love watching him make new faces and he is even starting to smile more often. It just fills my heart with joy everytime I get to spend time with him!

We're excited to welcome our family from LA and from Texas this next week. There will be many more pictures to come~

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

1 Month Old!

Nahum had his 1 month birthday a couple of days ago and I can't believe how much he has changed and is STILL changing!

I have been breastfeeding exclusively and he is just turning into this delightfully chubby boy and I am so pleased and thankful. We weighed him last night at Kaiser and he weighs at least 9 pounds now!

He has been struggling with some digestive issues. We're not sure what the exact problem is, but he just cries and makes painful faces right before he "relieves" himself and then he's fine. It just breaks my heart to see him in such pain though. I have cut out dairy products from my diet for a week now to see if that helps him digest any easier and to be honest, I haven't seen any real improvement. I will keep with it for about another week and then re-evaluate that decision. I gotta say, I really miss eating ice cream now that the weather is warming up! But to be a mother is to sacrifice, so I'll gladly do that for him.

Here are some pictures from this last month. You can really see the change in him.