Saturday, August 14, 2010


Well, I intended to post new things as Nahum got older and now I realize I just do that on Facebook, so here's some things that you may have missed.

Nahum met some of his friends for the first time:
Nahum and Charlie are 3 weeks apart. (Nahum is older)
Nahum and Samara are 3 months apart. (Samara is older)
And Nahum and Freddy are 6 weeks apart. (Nahum is older)

Nahum also got to meet all his Barker cousins too!

And we went for a visit to Bass Lake for Daddy's birthday, so Nahum got to meet his Great-Great Aunts: Linda and Dorothy & Great-Great Uncles Bill and Mark too!

Here's a picture of out little family on Steven's birthday. Nahum turned 3 months old the same day!