Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thanksgiving...and into December we go...

Thanksgiving this year was hosted by US!!!! Oh my goodness we had a great time! I was so pleased that all the food turned out and my pies looked and tasted delicious and I escaped with only one minor injury. (I cut my finger while chopping sweet potatoes the night before.)

Steven dressed and cooked the turkey in our electric roaster, only took 4 hrs! I made mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, stuffing, sweet potato pies, a hot Shepherd's dip, an jalapeno and cream cheese dip, veggie platter and coffee! What a feast we were blessed to have. God sure did provide for us and we were SO thankful to partake.

My parents, grandparents, and brother, Daniel were our guests that day. We were able to watch two movies, play cards and eat together for almost 6 straight hours. It was a lovely day and I'm SO thankful to my mother who helped me with the dishes and so now my house is clean!

We were also blessed to spend two days, uninterrupted, together after the holiday. Since Steven returned to school full time and works full time, we hardly get to spend any quality time together and this year we were able to prioritize each other and it was a huge blessing. We spend Friday watching 4 movies together and lounging around in our new sectional sofa. Then Saturday, since our house was still clean, we took all the recycling out of our garage and Steven earned $71 towards the final cost of his bass guitar. We also put up the Christmas tree and decorations!!! We've never been THIS on-top of decorating before. Man it feels good! Our house finally looks like WE live there, and not just a mixture of other family members. Having that sectional sofa and our own matching pictures on the walls really makes it seem like home to us for the first time since we've moved in, (over a year ago.)

This holiday weekend was such a blessing to me and to our marriage. I am SO blessed.

1 comment:

Dana said...

You cut your finger? See, it's solid proof that Sweet Potatoes are pure evil in vegetable form.