Monday, October 26, 2009


So, once again I have dropped off the face of the Earth and neglected my blogging. But we have WONDERFUL NEWS...we're expecting!!! I'm 10 weeks along now and Baby Estes is due to arrive in the middle of May 2010!!!
Here is our most recent ultrasound picture at 8 weeks. We have another appointment in about two weeks and hopefully will be able to see a more defined figure of the baby.

It is so amazing to feel the new changes in my body and yes, to even enjoy the spurts of sickness or discomfort knowing that this is something we've prayed for. We would appreciate your prayers as we progress in this pregnancy and await our precious little one! God is good, and we are SO thankful!

1 comment:

Beth said...

Yeah! I'm glad I got to see the ultrasound picture. Sarah and I were just talking today about you and the pregnancy. I guessed you were about 10 weeks by now. We are praying for you and very excited about this new chapter God has given you and Steven.