Friday, April 16, 2010

34 Week Ultrasound

Well, we're coming right along now. At 34 weeks and 3 days we had another ultrasound and although the doctor wasn't actually there, the tech still got all the good shots of measurements that she needed.

According to his measurments, the doctor estimated his weight to be 5 pounds 2 oz!!! He's really getting big now and running out of room in my belly! Doc also said that he would recommend delivery by 41 weeks unless of course I go into labor naturally sooner than that.

So, in this picture, you can see his head to the right and follow his profile to the bridge of his nose and mouth and then you can see his tummy and I think his hand at the bottom left.

He's still moving a lot these days, which is good news that he's active and means that, even with a 2 vessel cord, he's getting enough blood-flow to move around.

I will now be going in to Kaiser every week for doctors appointments in addition to the fetal heart monitor for 20-30 min each time. I guess I'm glad about that. I keep hearing stories about pregnant women around the same time-frame as me having their babies early or other women who have had their babies around this time and it doesn't sit well with me. At only 34 weeks, he is NOT done "cook'n" yet and if I'll be monitored every week, then it makes me feel better that they would catch something if it arises.

Thanks for your continued prayers for us. I'm down to only 8 days left before my maternity leave starts and I can't WAIT!!!

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