Friday, March 28, 2008

Free Stuff Friday!

I am so excited! I just won 6 tickets to the upcoming Women of Faith Conference at the Save Mart Center this April!

Thank you to 88.9 & 100.1 KDUV F.M. for hooking me and 5 of my friends up with tickets to this incredible event! We are all looking forward to it.
Thank you Lord for "Free Stuff Fridays!"

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Fat Day

So, do you ever have one of those "FAT DAYS"? Or is it just me?

I swear, I had an extra 20 min. this morning to figure out what to wear to work and NOTHING fit! I hate that feeling. When you know you have perfectly good clothes that you just wore last week and fit fine, but today for some unknown reason, they DON'T!

And then I pick out something that looks decent and then relize that I have to change my hair and earrings to match the "personality" of my outfit. But I don't want to change my hair, so that means I have to search for something else to wear.

I finally found something that worked ok, and that I could most likely feel comfortable in all day and then relize that the thinner socks that go with the shoes I am going to wear are nowhere to be found! UGH!!!!!

Needless to say, on mornings like this one, it helps me to stop, take a deep breath and remember that I am blessed to have clothes first of all. Second, I am blessed to have a job where I need to wear clothes to. And third, I am my own worst critic, and most likely, nobody will notice my outfit anyway!

Oh well. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day...

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Our relaxing weekend...

So, the hubby and I went to Avila Beach this last weekend for three days! It was great!

We found this great hotel near the beach that was set in sort of a forest/park-like area near the river. There was a walking/bike trail that lead from the hotel, through the golf course and down to the beach! It was 1.7 miles ONE WAY though. And for somone who sits at a desk for a living, that was quite a lot of walking! It was nice though to take a stroll together down such a scenic trail. We took lots of pictures, which I will hopefully post soon.

Our room at the hotel had our own jacuzzi tub on our private patio! The hubby really enjoyed that. His back has been sore from work, so this was a nice treat for him. We had a CA King bed (which wasn't very comfortable, by the way,) a large flat screen TV and CABLE! They brought breakfast to our room each morning and gave us cupons for complimentary glasses of wine at the bar.

On Saturday afternoon, we brought a pic nic lunch with us to the beach and spread out under the pier along with several other families and just people-watched. That evening, we went to McLintock's in Pismo for dinner. WOW! It had been a while since we'd been there and they give you SOOOOO much food! So, we ended up taking most of it home for the next day, but it was a nice treat to go out to eat.

Overall, I'd say that I would recommend this hotel to our friends looking for a quiet get-away. It's a little pricy, for us, but for a special occasion, it would serve people well I think.

It was a great weekend! One that the two of us really needed and we both had a fabulous relaxing time and enjoyed being together.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Some people to brag about!

Me and the Hubby at the EECU picnic in June 2007

Our nieces and nephews from right to left: Caleb, Sarah w/Micah, Hannah and Josiah My FAVORITE cousin (sister) Lisa!

Alison (Lisa's daughter) and Me! Me and my best friend (soul mate, sister, etc.) at a Falcon's game!

My Birthday

Well, Friday, March 14th was my 24th Birthday. This year was pretty dissapointing I have to say. Not to make anyone feel bad, but I feel I have to be honest.

When I got to work Friday morning, my best friend had left me a cinnamon roll for breakfast! That was really nice. She gave me a card that had the most perfect picture of two young girls on the front (one a little older than the other,) and inside the card said, "In another time and place, I think we were sisters... Happy Birthday!" It was awefully perfect!

My hubby made me a card too and left it on my desk from the night before. His had a picture we took of our footprints in the sand at Pismo Beach and it said, "Talk about leaving your mark on the world!!! (you've certainly left one on me.) Inside he wrote his sincere feelings about me and that was really nice to hear. His gift to me is going to be a pedicure for me and Leslie after we get paid at the end of the month and Les is going to take me shopping to buy some new "work" clothes!
Later that day, some girlfriends and I headed up to Wonder Valley for the 10th annual CHCC Women's Retreat. It was a hectic afternoon just trying to get on the road. We got there after dinner and just in time to miss my vocal sound check, so they cut my song for the session. We did make it in time to be at the first session and that was nice. But again, nobody remembered it was my birthday. So, we scrounged for food in the dining hall after session and then went to our room and went to bed. That's it.

I have to say though, as much as I appriciate hubby and Les for the thoughful cards and well wishes, I do wish I could have 'opened' something on my birthday. But then again, I didn't specify that to anyone, so I am NOT complaining!

I think I have to come to grips with the fact that as I get older, Birthdays aren't such a big deal anymore. At least until we get to those "over the hill" years. So, I can accept that and move on. Maybe once we have kids, I will have a new outlet to live vicaiously through their birthdays!

Just as a P.S. If you ever want to know how to make me feel special, give me a gift I can OPEN!~

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

My First...

So, I'm not much for journaling, but this seems to be a good way for me to get my thoughts out on paper (or screen.)

I have been experiencing new blessings in my life and I want to share them with anyone who is interested. So, as a first-time "blogger," just bare with me while I learn how to use this to the best of my ability...
A great friend of mine is an avid journaler and I have been inspired by her. I am also in a great young women's Bible study that is keeping me accountable to being in the Word more regularly. We are studying from a book called: Connect The Dots and this book is really generating some great conversations between me and God and His will FOR and IN my life.