Thursday, June 12, 2008


Four years ago today, I married the most wonderful man!

We were young and in love and had our whole life ahead of us. We had prepared for marriage and commitment and we had made vows to put God first and each other second. We promised to love each other through sickness and health, good times and difficult times, to stay committed no matter what obstacles came our way. We made plans together and dreamed together. We made continuous strides to please each other and to care for one another.

We have defiantly learned a lot in four years, but I can say with confidence that I love him more today than I ever have and that my love for this man keeps growing as the minutes pass. I am so thankful for the many blessings that God has given us as a couple and for the ways God has matured us and grown us into the kind of person we each need in our spouse.

I am filled with overwhelming joy and happiness as I write this and just can't believe that I have been THIS blessed!

Thank you Lord, for such a phenomenal man. He loves me unconditionally and is such a wonderful provider and leader. I am so very very thankful!

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