Tuesday, July 15, 2008

4th of July - a little late

Our 4th of July was just lovely! We were invited to stay in a beach house in Shell Beach, CA with Charlissa and Matt. The house was so adorable and had quite a lot of potential, but it had two cats. Not the greatest hosts, but Charlissa and Matt did a fantastic job of cleaning that house so it didn't smell like cat at all! (the view from our house.)

We went to Paso Robles to enjoy a picnic and fireworks show with Charlissa's family.

Our other good friends, Megan and Paul Hemphill were at the coast that weekend as well and they joined us for the show.

The boys played football and had a blast. Paul got a minor injury and Steven was exhausted, but they all had a good time.

Before we left the next day, we went to the beach and took pictures. It was nice to be at the beach. I feel so relaxed there. It was a wonderful little trip! We had a great time.

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