Saturday, January 31, 2009

In Loving Memory of (Great Uncle) Ed Miller

Today, with family and friends, we celebrated the life of our wonderful Great Uncle Ed Miller. Ed is married to Barbara, my grandmother Alvera's younger sister. Uncle Ed was one of our favorite people in the family. He always had a great sense of humor and loved to joke with us every time we were together. He was also one of few people in our extended family that really went out of his way to welcome (my husband) Steven into the family when we got engaged and married. His wonderful smile and great joke-ster attitude were a joy to be around, but his love for the Lord was also evident in his every-day life and that is such a testimony to be proud of.

Uncle Ed and Aunt Barbara were involved in an automobile accident this past August 2008 on their way to Oregon. Uncle Ed was driving and was very tired, he nodded off for a second and when he woke up, he over corrected the car and it drove onto an embankment on the side of the road and he died instantly. Aunt Barbara's injuries were extensive and her recovery took months. Though it was hard hearing of the loss of Uncle Ed, we felt at peace knowing that he was in Heaven and that he was in no pain. We are thankful to still have Aunt Barbara with us and today she was recovered and looked lovely. She smiled, socialized and hugged everyone and was just so thankful to have her husband's life celebrated with the people that matter most to her.

The Bill Seaberg Trio sang several lovely numbers: Great Uncle Bill and Aunt Linda Seabert (my grandmother's youngest sister) and Great Aunt Dorothy (grandmother's other sister,) Grandpa Clayton Schletewitz offered a powerful prayer, 3 of the 4 Lehman sisters singing, the 4 Lehman sisters all together, Steven, my dad Mark, grandpa and my brother Daniel afterwards, and us at the dinner celebration after the service.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

25 Random Things About Me

Uh oh, it's been over a month since my last posting and I thought I said I wasn't going to do that, but then I did. So, for your viewing pleasure, here are 25 Random Things About Me that you may or may not have known. Enjoy!

1. I can roll my tongue in three rolls at once. Yes, that's right.

2. I always knew I would marry a blonde-haired, blue-eyed man. Even though I was usually always attracted to the Tall, Dark and Hansom type. Guess who I married?!

3. I had a Vocal Scholarship to Fresno Pacific University my Freshman year of college.

4. I have been singing in public since I was 5 years old.

5. I had always wanted to say that I was "16 and never-been kissed." My first boyfriend, when I was 15, was 19 and he was very respectful of my wanting to wait until I was 16 and then my parents told me I had to stop seeing him because of our age difference and so he was not my first kiss after all. But, my husband WAS my first kiss, at age 18!

6. My husband and I were both virgins when we got married. (praise God!)

7. I've been to New York for a Choral Festival Competition with my high school choir.

8. My entire wedding, including my wedding dress, only cost $3,000.!

9. I have been deep-sea fishing, twice!

10. I am excited to be a full-time student again and my goal is to start the Degree Completion Program at Fresno Pacific University this Fall 2009 for my Bachelors Degree in Organizational Leadership.

11. I LOVE scrap booking and beading. (thanks to Leslie and Keirsten!)

12. I struggle with being tactful and so I pray about, and practice it regularly.

13. I've been to Ethiopia on a mission trip to teach music and English in 2008.

14. My first-ever attended concert was to see Barlow Girl in Bakersfield.

15. I am 1/2 Italian on my mother's side.

16. I serve as a volunteer on the Worship Team at Clovis Hills Community Church.

17. There were a total of 4 ministers involved with the ceremony at our wedding. (Uncle John, Uncle Paul, father-in-law Sam, and Grandpa [retired pastor.])

18. I sang the National Anthem at my high school graduation ceremony.

19. At one point, I had 5 piercing in my ears. (3 on my right lobe and 2 on my right.)

20. The place I feel the most at-peace and soulfully-refreshed is at the beach.

21. Tulips are my favorite flower.

22. I have been a brunette, a red-head and have had black hair before. (not all at once)

23. I have Hypo-Thyroidism.

24. I've been to Mexico on a mission trip in 1999.

25. I have a brother who is 10 years younger than me.