Saturday, January 31, 2009

In Loving Memory of (Great Uncle) Ed Miller

Today, with family and friends, we celebrated the life of our wonderful Great Uncle Ed Miller. Ed is married to Barbara, my grandmother Alvera's younger sister. Uncle Ed was one of our favorite people in the family. He always had a great sense of humor and loved to joke with us every time we were together. He was also one of few people in our extended family that really went out of his way to welcome (my husband) Steven into the family when we got engaged and married. His wonderful smile and great joke-ster attitude were a joy to be around, but his love for the Lord was also evident in his every-day life and that is such a testimony to be proud of.

Uncle Ed and Aunt Barbara were involved in an automobile accident this past August 2008 on their way to Oregon. Uncle Ed was driving and was very tired, he nodded off for a second and when he woke up, he over corrected the car and it drove onto an embankment on the side of the road and he died instantly. Aunt Barbara's injuries were extensive and her recovery took months. Though it was hard hearing of the loss of Uncle Ed, we felt at peace knowing that he was in Heaven and that he was in no pain. We are thankful to still have Aunt Barbara with us and today she was recovered and looked lovely. She smiled, socialized and hugged everyone and was just so thankful to have her husband's life celebrated with the people that matter most to her.

The Bill Seaberg Trio sang several lovely numbers: Great Uncle Bill and Aunt Linda Seabert (my grandmother's youngest sister) and Great Aunt Dorothy (grandmother's other sister,) Grandpa Clayton Schletewitz offered a powerful prayer, 3 of the 4 Lehman sisters singing, the 4 Lehman sisters all together, Steven, my dad Mark, grandpa and my brother Daniel afterwards, and us at the dinner celebration after the service.

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