Wednesday, February 11, 2009

In Honor of V-Day!

In honor of the upcoming Valentines Day, I would like to introduce to you...the LOVE of my life!

Steven Nahum Estes is my wonderful husband. I am sure many of you have heard the story of how we met and how we got set up by his parents and all that, but you may not know much about HIM.

Steven is the most intelligent person I know. I mean, honestly, he knows SO much. He calls it "useless knowledge" because he will inevitably know something about any sort of conversation happening near him and is an expert in many areas. He is currently a Chemistry major at Fresno State University and plans to attend pharmacology school to earn a doctorate of Pharmacy (Pharm.D degree.)

He can take a computer apart and put it back together again, and I've seen him do it! He can tile floors, he can cook, he is a fisherman, he can change the oil and the brakes on either one of our cars, he made my corsage for our high school prom as well as many other weddings, he is better at loading the dishwasher than I am, he's a WONDERFUL BBQ'er, he's very handy and can fix most anything, he cuts his own hair and he's a musician.

Steven can competently play: the bass guitar, trombone, French horn, banjo, accordion, guitar, piano, and the harmonica.

Apart from his impressive credentials listed above, Steven is no doubt a HANDSOME man. He is blond and has blue eyes. I always liked his eyebrows; they are so perfectly proportionate to his eyes. I also love his earlobes. They are so soft and although he doesn't like it when I touch them, I still do it! Recently he decided to grow a goatee. I never thought I would like facial hair on my husband, but turns out that I DO! So, he then proceeded to grow a full beard! I like it too, but if he decides to shave, then I'd like him to keep the goatee. It makes him look older, more distinguished. I have always loved the shape of his hands too. It is amazing to me that my hand fits so perfectly inside his. I'm sure God made us that way on purpose too. I love that he is comfortable. We can lay on the couch together and cuddle and he's just so comfortable! He has pretty skinny legs compared to the rest of him, but they are SO strong! HE is so strong. I sometimes tell him that he's better looking now, than when I first met him, and the truth is, I am attracted to him and love every bit of him.

He is loving and kind. He has a very long "fuse" and can put up with my quirks for a LONG time, but he is patient and forgiving too. He is compassionate and loyal. He is hard-working and has an exceptional work ethic. His co-workers and friends look to him for leadership and guidance. He is responsible and he willingly provides for his family. He loves children and they love him. He is sometimes attracted to the children at our campus' Child Development program who are disabled. He has befriended a little boy with Downs Syndrome and loves to pay special attention to him. He goes out of his way to play with these, and many other children, who might not otherwise get the attention. His nieces and nephews are so special to him. He loves to teach them new things and spend quality time with each of them. I am so anxious for us to have children of our own because I KNOW Steven will make an amazing dad!

Above all else, my husband is a wonderful man of God. It was always clear to me that he had a relationship with God and that it was very important to him. Just because he was raised in a Christian home and is a pastor's son, doesn't automatically mean he would have been a Christian. Steven chose to love the Lord and walk in faith of God's plan for his life and because of this, I am truly blessed. My husband prays with me every night before we go to bed and that has been such a HUGE blessing to me. I am so proud to have a husband who is not afraid to pray out loud and especially to lead his wife in prayer. It is truly amazing what God can do in the life of this man.

So, this Valentines Day, I will remember all the reasons why I am so incredibly thankful for my husband. This is just a short testament to how wonderful he is and I want each of you to think of your spouse and recall the wonders of what makes that person so special and such a blessing to your life.

Happy Valentines Day!

1 comment:

Beth said...

Oh Liz, that was so well written! What a wonderful way to express your love for Steven. Thanks for sharing. I think he's a great guy too!