Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Update on pregnancy

Well, I've been feeling all sorts of new things happening to my body these days. I mostly still feel tired and wish I could take naps more often. I have been experiencing lower back pain for the first time ever! I can't sit or lay in the same position for very long before I need to readjust or put a pillow behind me for support.

I've been feeling more emotional these days too. Most of the time I think I handle things pretty well, but sometimes, out of nowhere, I'll just feel too frustrated or overwhelmed and start to cry. I cry for about 1/2 hour-1 hour sometimes just to get it all out of my system.

Steven has been WONDERFUL through this whole pregnancy. I truly am blessed with an amazing husband who loves and cares for me in every way I need, and sometimes don't know that I need. I just can't thank the Lord enough for blessing me with this man!

I'm starting to feel that I just can't work a full 40 hour work-week any longer. My current job will allow me to work 30 hours a week and still keep my health insurance (vision coverage.) So, I've been contemplating when it will be necessary for me to make that switch and what that will look like. Either shorter days everyday, or full days and take one more day off during the week. We'll see.

We have another doctors appointment this Friday and they will go over the results and measurements of our ultrasound with us. I might ask the doctor for written approval of my working shorter hours to take to my employer. Hopefully that will alleviate some of the dialog and just get it approved faster.

We have started looking into nursery themes and registry items! That's been fun and a little challenging for us to agree on. My great friend Kari is going to go with me to some stores and help me register for the things that really matter and educate me on the things that most people don't end up needing or using.

I've also started putting together the guest lists for baby showers. My mom's friend Brenda has offered to host me a shower and my friends Alicia and Jill have offered to host a shower for Clovis Hills peeps! I am very blessed to have such great friends who want to honor me and the baby!

Other than all that - I am enjoying being able to feel my son move around inside me and we really enjoy being able to pray for him by name now. It's defiantly feeling more real now and we love it!

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