Monday, March 29, 2010

~Showers of Blessings~

Saturday, March 27th was our "family" baby shower given by one of my best friends, Hannah. She and her mom and friend Jenn did SUCH a fabulous job with the Very Hungry Caterpillar theme! I mean the details were just amazing and EVERYBODY loved it!!!

My friend Megan was such a big help to me too. She drove me to the shower, wrote down all my gifts for me and organized it all so it made writing my thank-you's a LOT easier! I just love her.~

I really did miss some of my family who wasn't able to be there with us; my Schletewitz girls in TX and my two sister-in-laws from Southern CA and my nieces too. Peter's gf Katie was there and that was really special though.

We got some great gifts for Nahum: a Graco swing, the changing table that matches our crib, lots of great clothes, some stuffed animals and my FAVORITE gifts were the crib bedding and quilt that Aunt Kathy made for us. I mean she did an INCREDIBLE job and we just couldn't wait to put it in Nahum's crib!

Steven put the changing table together and helped me unload all the gifts the next day. We even organized all Nahum's clothes into size and hung them up in the closet. It's beginning to look more like a little person is going to live in there. SO exciting!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

30 week ultrasound

Well, we saw his hair! Weird actually because, of course, I don't know WHAT I'm looking at, but the tech showed me that it was illuminated white on the screen and looked like it was floating in the fluid, so that made more sense.

His Right kidney is back into the 'normal' range now. It's measuring a 6 now and if it was a 7 it would be considered at risk, so we're IN THE NORMAL RANGE!!! Praise God!

All other measurements were normal too and he weighs 3 pounds and 5 oz now! They couldn't tell how long he was 'cause he was all bunched up. We got some pictures, but it was really hard to get a good shot of his face/profile because his arms were both up next to his head, like he was boxing or something!

They want to do 1 more ultrasound in 4 weeks and then they will wait until after he's born and do an ultrasound directly on him.

In 2 weeks they want me to go to my doctor and have them do the fetal heart monitor for 20-30 min. I guess they strap on some device to my tummy and just listen to his heart beat for that time frame.

Other than that, we're all good! Thanks for your continued prayers for baby Nahum!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

30 weeks & my Birthday!

Here I am 30 weeks pregnant and in Pismo Beach for my birthday weekend! More pictures to come!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

29 Weeks!

Today marks the 29th week of pregnancy for me! Yay! 11 more to go~

We had our doctors appointment yesterday and that went very well. I have gained 20 pounds now and hope to not gain much more than that. We'll see though...I have been enjoying ice cream just about everyday now.

I had some tests done at the lab to check for a possible vaginal infection and that came back negative, which is good! The Boy was positioned like he was sitting in my lap: head up by my belly button and sitting on my bladder. He gave the NP a good punch when I was lying down on the table and she was pushing around. I'm glad he's an active baby. It makes me remember that he's there and that's a comfort to me.

We scheduled all the rest of my doctors appointments until delivery and that is exciting! After the next one, I'll go in every-other week. They gave us an envelope with his birth certificate and social security information. I guess we can have it pre-filled out and just bring it with us to the hospital when I deliver and they will finish it for us. That's nice!

This week (with the assistance of our AWESOME friend Michelle) we finished painting Nahum's room, we had new carpet and a new pad put in yesterday (thanks to All American Flooring.) AND - Steven surprised me and put the crib together too! Here are some pictures.

It really seems REAL now that the room is starting to come together. Our main decorating colors are brown, tan and blue and the crib is an Espresso color. My fabulous Aunt Kathy is making our crib bumpers and bed skirt and my Nanni (grandma) is making the window covering out of the same material. I think I'd like to accent with owl decor. But I haven't quite figured out exactly what that's going to look like yet. I'm open to suggestions if anyone has any.

This weekend we're going to Pismo Beach with the Hemphill's for my birthday and next week we have another ultrasound appointment with Dr. Turocy so there are lots of things to look forward to!