Thursday, March 18, 2010

30 week ultrasound

Well, we saw his hair! Weird actually because, of course, I don't know WHAT I'm looking at, but the tech showed me that it was illuminated white on the screen and looked like it was floating in the fluid, so that made more sense.

His Right kidney is back into the 'normal' range now. It's measuring a 6 now and if it was a 7 it would be considered at risk, so we're IN THE NORMAL RANGE!!! Praise God!

All other measurements were normal too and he weighs 3 pounds and 5 oz now! They couldn't tell how long he was 'cause he was all bunched up. We got some pictures, but it was really hard to get a good shot of his face/profile because his arms were both up next to his head, like he was boxing or something!

They want to do 1 more ultrasound in 4 weeks and then they will wait until after he's born and do an ultrasound directly on him.

In 2 weeks they want me to go to my doctor and have them do the fetal heart monitor for 20-30 min. I guess they strap on some device to my tummy and just listen to his heart beat for that time frame.

Other than that, we're all good! Thanks for your continued prayers for baby Nahum!

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