Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Swallows - a - Pleanty!

So the staff at work got this email message from our Vice Chancellor yesterday:

"As you may know, Cliff Swallows have selected the Willow International Center as a nesting place as over 40 nests have been constructed to date. The federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 and the California Fish and Game Code Section 3800 protect the nests once they have been constructed and eggs laid. As a result of the constructed nests located above the southeast entrance to the Academic Center One building, we are closing this entrance to incoming traffic. The doors will still be used in case of an emergency.

We will do everything we can to try to keep the entrances and nesting areas clean until the migration of the swallows occurs in the next few weeks. Please contact Darren Cousineau, SCCCD Director of Environmental Health and Safety, or Janell Mendoza if you have any questions.

Thank you."

Apparently the birds that aren't extinct are in need of protection too. Here is a picture of some of their many nests on the East side of our campus building...right above my office window. Lots of chirping goin on lately too.

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