Friday, April 25, 2008

Hailey May has arrived!

Well, Hailey May Huffman was suposed to be born on May 1st, hence her middle name. HOWEVER, she was SOOOOO excited to see everybody, she thought coming early would be a nice suprise!

So, CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS to Nichole, Dustin and Aubrey:

Hailey May Huffman

born on

Thursday, April 24th 2008

9lbs. 7oz. 22" long

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Psychic Fatigue

I have had so much on my mind lately. This weekend was extremely busy.

Friday, after a full day of work, I participated in the National Scrapbooking Day at a local church with my scrap-buddies from 6-11pm! There were close to 200 women there and together, we all scrapped OVER 600+ pages! WoW, what an accomplishment! It felt great to be a part of that.

So, I got to sleep in a little on Saturday, but we were on the Worship Team this weekend, and call time is 4:15pm on Saturday afternoons. We played a full set, with two feature songs. After church, we went to dinner with my in-laws to celebrate my birthday (March 14) and my father-in-law's birthday (April 16th.) We had a lovely dinner at Red Robin, (quickly becoming my favorite place to eat,) and stayed out until about 10pm-ish. Which is pretty late for me, but really late for the in-laws! I was surprised how late we were out, but it was nice to talk with them for hours.

Sunday morning call time is 7:30am for a quick run-through. Directly after church, we stopped at home for a quick second to drop off the bass and pick up our Bible Study books for Couple's Group. We made a quick stop at a store, and then off to the Alejo's for study. We didn't leave until 4:30pm! Then the hubby and I only had the car ride from Tower to Fresno Kaiser to talk before we visited the Palmer's.

Our dear friends have had their share of hospital visits lately. Rob had a quad/motorcycle accident that landed him in the hospital with a broken clavicle (sp?) Then Christine encountered some health problems and was in the hospital for several days. (I think she might be home now, better call and check up on her.) They have two awesome girls that I just love! We were at Kaiser until about 7pm and I was getting REALLY hungry, so we took Rob and the girls to Chevey's for a nice dinner away from hospitals for a while.

Then another quick stop by another store in Riverpark and back home after a LOOOOOONG day out! I don't think I got to bed until at least 11pm! Ugh!

So, needless to say, I have not been able to recuperate yet this week, and I'm exhausted!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Yea For Tax Refund Fridays!

Seems like good things happen on Fridays! Yea God, we got our tax refund via direct deposit this afternoon! AND Steven's check to the CA Board of Pharmacy was withdrawn also, which means that they received his paperwork and he will be getting his Pharmacy Technician License very soon! Yea for my honey! AND, the guy from the Bread Mill just stopped by our office and gave us a bunch of FREE loaves of bread to take home! Yeah!
Good news all around today! Hope everyone else is having a fabulous Friday too! I just realized that I may use too many exclamation points when I type. Oh well!

Nichole's Baby Shower

The Huffman family is new to Clovis Hills. Dustin Huffman is our new Children's Ministry Pastor and is married to his beautiful wife Nichole and they have one daughter, Aubrey and another due on May 1st; Hailey.

Nichole has been a part of our Women's Bible Study and I have enjoyed getting to know her very much. Jenn and I thought it would be great it we hosted a baby shower for Nichole and so we did! This last Wednesday, at my house, we had an ice cream sundae baby shower where we decorated bibs, played games, and just had a great time of fellowship and fun! Thanks to all the girls who came to bless Nichole and baby Hailey.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Women of Faith Conference was AMAZING!

The Women of Faith Conference this last weekend was AmAzInG! I was so blessed to be there and share that time with some very special friends of mine. Friday's Pre-Conference was the funniest and most enjoyable time for me. Patsy Clairmont was a hoot! I bought her book: I Second That Emotion, which I can't wait to read and that's saying something because I generaly don't enjoy reading. Anita Renfro is hillarious! I bought her DVD: It's Probably Just My Thyroid and can't wait to watch that with some girlfriends! And I bought her a devotional book that she wrote with her husband: Songs in the Key of Solomon (look'n forward to that one!) I also bought two T-Shirts one for me and one for Lisa! Love being matchy-matchy! (It's ok though, 'cause she's in TX and I'm in CA.) I also LOVED watching Ayiesha Woods perform (with her brother Donny.) She is AWESOME! And the way she moves when she sings and her body language looks almost "tribal" to me, which was so mezmorizing because it brought me back to my time in Ethiopia which was amazing and I just loved it! So, overall, the conference was wonderful! Thanks again to KDUV F.M. for picking my name to win those tickets!

So, now that I have hyper-linked so many of these amazing people, go check out their sites! Show some support!

I'll write more later...

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Heart Broken

This is my blog and I feel like I should be able to say what I feel.

I just have to say that first of all, I am thankful to have been blessed with many wonderful friends. God has truely provided me with people that love and support me. I couldn't ask for better friends.
However, it breaks my heart to see my friends go through hardships in their lives. I sometimes feel that all I can do is pray for them and believe me... I DO! I understand that when hard times come, difficult decisions present themselves, and uncomfortable life changes have their number called up, that the most important thing we can all do is pray through them. I am always willing and happy to support my friends in whatever they are dealing with. Even though I may not agree with their decision, or the manner in which they may have reached their decision, I'll still be there.....praying.

That's all, I guess. Just had to get that off my chest. Certainly not off my mind, but you get the idea.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Well, our last week of our Women's Bible Study in the Connect the Dots series was last night and we learned about "spiritual wilderness."

Not something I am used to hearing, but certainly something very real. In hearing everyone's answers to what they thought their own wilderness has been like at some point, and from those who have yet to experience one, I gained a new perspective about God's plan for our lives.

While most people associate a "spiritual wilderness" with a time when you have "fallen away" from God, it IS possible for you to experience a "wilderness" in your spiritual life while still remaining very close to God. It just usually means that you may be seeking God's will for your current life issue and He isn't ready to answer you yet. I learned that He may not be providing an answer, because He may not have prepared me for a sertain life change yet. And as frustrating as that feels, I would rather be prepared for God's blessings, than get what I want and cry out in desparation for Him to save me from something too big for me.

So, all this to say that I could use your prayers about some of the desires of my heart. I am confident that while I am waiting, I am praying for God's will in my life and HIS perfect timing, and that when he does bless me, that I would be prepared to receive it!

Thanks to the girls in our "NOG" group for being there to support me.