Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Psychic Fatigue

I have had so much on my mind lately. This weekend was extremely busy.

Friday, after a full day of work, I participated in the National Scrapbooking Day at a local church with my scrap-buddies from 6-11pm! There were close to 200 women there and together, we all scrapped OVER 600+ pages! WoW, what an accomplishment! It felt great to be a part of that.

So, I got to sleep in a little on Saturday, but we were on the Worship Team this weekend, and call time is 4:15pm on Saturday afternoons. We played a full set, with two feature songs. After church, we went to dinner with my in-laws to celebrate my birthday (March 14) and my father-in-law's birthday (April 16th.) We had a lovely dinner at Red Robin, (quickly becoming my favorite place to eat,) and stayed out until about 10pm-ish. Which is pretty late for me, but really late for the in-laws! I was surprised how late we were out, but it was nice to talk with them for hours.

Sunday morning call time is 7:30am for a quick run-through. Directly after church, we stopped at home for a quick second to drop off the bass and pick up our Bible Study books for Couple's Group. We made a quick stop at a store, and then off to the Alejo's for study. We didn't leave until 4:30pm! Then the hubby and I only had the car ride from Tower to Fresno Kaiser to talk before we visited the Palmer's.

Our dear friends have had their share of hospital visits lately. Rob had a quad/motorcycle accident that landed him in the hospital with a broken clavicle (sp?) Then Christine encountered some health problems and was in the hospital for several days. (I think she might be home now, better call and check up on her.) They have two awesome girls that I just love! We were at Kaiser until about 7pm and I was getting REALLY hungry, so we took Rob and the girls to Chevey's for a nice dinner away from hospitals for a while.

Then another quick stop by another store in Riverpark and back home after a LOOOOOONG day out! I don't think I got to bed until at least 11pm! Ugh!

So, needless to say, I have not been able to recuperate yet this week, and I'm exhausted!

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