Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Well, our last week of our Women's Bible Study in the Connect the Dots series was last night and we learned about "spiritual wilderness."

Not something I am used to hearing, but certainly something very real. In hearing everyone's answers to what they thought their own wilderness has been like at some point, and from those who have yet to experience one, I gained a new perspective about God's plan for our lives.

While most people associate a "spiritual wilderness" with a time when you have "fallen away" from God, it IS possible for you to experience a "wilderness" in your spiritual life while still remaining very close to God. It just usually means that you may be seeking God's will for your current life issue and He isn't ready to answer you yet. I learned that He may not be providing an answer, because He may not have prepared me for a sertain life change yet. And as frustrating as that feels, I would rather be prepared for God's blessings, than get what I want and cry out in desparation for Him to save me from something too big for me.

So, all this to say that I could use your prayers about some of the desires of my heart. I am confident that while I am waiting, I am praying for God's will in my life and HIS perfect timing, and that when he does bless me, that I would be prepared to receive it!

Thanks to the girls in our "NOG" group for being there to support me.

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