Friday, December 19, 2008

Now I'm a REAL Fan!

So, my best friend Leslie gave me the BEST gift so far this very own Fresno Falcon's sweatshirt! Now I'm a REAL fan! I took this picture myself, so I'll have to get another good one of us both at the rink at one of the games too. Thanks Les! I love you.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Decking the Halls

So my last post made reference to our house being decorated for Christmas two days after Thanksgiving, so I thought I'd share what that looked like! And now you get to see our new sectional sofa and decorated walls! I'm so excited that my friend Alicia was able to come over and help us hang pictures! It looks so great. We both love it! So...enjoy this little peek into our home. And our puppy, Daily, curled up in her "spot" next to the tree. Her bed used to be in the corner where the tree is now. She's still adjusting to that.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thanksgiving...and into December we go...

Thanksgiving this year was hosted by US!!!! Oh my goodness we had a great time! I was so pleased that all the food turned out and my pies looked and tasted delicious and I escaped with only one minor injury. (I cut my finger while chopping sweet potatoes the night before.)

Steven dressed and cooked the turkey in our electric roaster, only took 4 hrs! I made mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, stuffing, sweet potato pies, a hot Shepherd's dip, an jalapeno and cream cheese dip, veggie platter and coffee! What a feast we were blessed to have. God sure did provide for us and we were SO thankful to partake.

My parents, grandparents, and brother, Daniel were our guests that day. We were able to watch two movies, play cards and eat together for almost 6 straight hours. It was a lovely day and I'm SO thankful to my mother who helped me with the dishes and so now my house is clean!

We were also blessed to spend two days, uninterrupted, together after the holiday. Since Steven returned to school full time and works full time, we hardly get to spend any quality time together and this year we were able to prioritize each other and it was a huge blessing. We spend Friday watching 4 movies together and lounging around in our new sectional sofa. Then Saturday, since our house was still clean, we took all the recycling out of our garage and Steven earned $71 towards the final cost of his bass guitar. We also put up the Christmas tree and decorations!!! We've never been THIS on-top of decorating before. Man it feels good! Our house finally looks like WE live there, and not just a mixture of other family members. Having that sectional sofa and our own matching pictures on the walls really makes it seem like home to us for the first time since we've moved in, (over a year ago.)

This holiday weekend was such a blessing to me and to our marriage. I am SO blessed.

Monday, November 24, 2008


Well, as we quickly approach Thanksgiving, I wanted to give my family a little face time on the blog. The second picture is last year's Estes clan. The Barker's have added another little one since then. New picture to be taken this year at Christmas! The first picture is my family. Much smaller, but love them SO much!


It's been a while now since my last post. So, sorry to those who read this. In mid-October Leslie and I were blessed with a week's vacation to Las Vegas! We had SUCH a great time and saw SO many things, it was awesome! Here are just a few of the many pictures taken. We went to see STOMP and that was awesome! We had $100 in gift certificates to use at the Planet Hollywood restaurant and here's us at the Flamingo Hotel, can you tell?! The boas were at the Elton John gift shop~

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


For some reason, I have woken up on the right side of the bed this morning. I actually feel pretty rested and a little "chipper." I got up in time to get ready in time, including finding a cute outfit and shoes to wear, my hair looks decent, and I've had breakfast. Amazing!

I recently bought the $5.00 CD special at Berean, Lincoln Brewster - Let The Praises Ring, and I LOVE IT! I think it really added to my already potentially good mood this morning. So, I brought it into work and ripped it to my computer and am trying to make this feeling last as long as possible throughout my workday and if some of the faculty and staff happen to be exposed to the praises of our Lord, then Praise God!

I guess I'm just feeling delightful. I'm reminded of Psalms 37:4 - "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." Now, I don't want this to seem like it intentionally follows my last post, but today I am looking to delight myself in the Lord because He desires me to. And because I can, because I want to, because He's worthy of my praise. I just want to thank Him for the blessings He HAS given me. Because, why not?!

May you find yourself "delighted" in our Lord today. Take a moment and observe your existence in this day. That alone should be a blessing.~

Friday, September 5, 2008

desire of my heart

I am having trouble lately.

There is a huge desire of our hearts to have children and sometime soon would be wonderful with us! One of the hard parts is the waiting, but sometimes even harder is watching our friends get to experience the joys of new pregnancies and new babies and knowing that we haven't gotten our blessing yet.

I know God has a plan for our lives and for our children, but for times like these, I just struggle to not loose hope. I pray constantly and Steven and I pray together about it. It has been a blessing and a privilege to pray daily with my husband, but I have waited four years to hear him say that he desires children (with me) and now that it's here, I feel helpless. There are only so many things you can do on your own about this sort of thing and then you have to believe that God is in control and that His plan is better than what we could ever imagine possible! That's hard too. I want to believe this with all my heart, but the human side of me wants to be in control of my life and just make it happen my way.

Some people would say, "when it's the right time, it will happen." Well, the problem with that is that there are many people who don't seem to have it "together" and they have kids and it surely doesn't seem like the "right time" for THEM to have kids and not me! Others say, "it will happen when you stop trying." Well, it's hard NOT to think about it when your desire is so strong.

All I can do is pray. Pray that God continues to work in me, to make me the mother and wife that I need to be before hand. Pray that my relationship with my husband grows stronger and deeper, regardless of what happens. Pray that I may have opportunities to grow closer in my relationship with God and through that, I will have a clearer understanding of His plans for my life.

But it's still so hard...

Monday, August 25, 2008

Welcome: Abigail Rose Barker

We are proud to announce the birth of our third neice:

Abigail Rose Barker
born: 8-24-08 at 8:00am
weighing: 7 lbs, 10 oz.
18 1/2 inches long

This is #6 for the Barker family and Abbey makes 3 girls and 3 boys. All the children are so excited for Abbey's arrival! Hannah is excited to have her own little sister and Micah is no longer the baby. He and Abbey are only about a year and two months apart.

Beth chose to have a home-birth this time and from the report, seemed to be a good experience for mother and baby. We hope to get to meet this little one very soon!

Christian Music Awards 2008

The Christian Music Awards were this last weekend and Steven was asked to play with a group of from our Clovis Hills Worship Team, lead by Music Director: Paul Haugen. They auditioned as a group and secured their spot in the "Best of the Blessed - Worship Band" category for the overall competition. They needed a name, so they became The Paul Haugen Band!

So, I was their honorary Band Manager / videographer / photographer for the weekend. We got "all access" passes to paroose the Warnor's Theater as we pleased and were fed and taken care of like true celebrities. My brother, Daniel also got in on the fun. He came as my guest and helper for the day!

Among the real celebrities performing were: Jacki Velazquez and Matthew West (co-hosts for the show) and Bethany Dillon, who all performed. Their was another band, Pres Play, that were guest artists from the LA area and were just wonderful people. Here's the thing, this was a pretty big deal (seeing as how it will be aired on the Gospel Music Chanel on September 20th) and there were real celebrities there and EVERYONE was so great. Everyone was encouraging and friendly, everyone was there for the same reason: to honor and worship Christ with their God-given talents and to give glory to HIM. That alone made the weekend what it was. Yes, there was a competition involved, but the ultimate purpose of this event was to come together as the Body of Christ and worship him. It was a great experience to be a part of.

The Paul Haugen Band placed 3rd in the Best of the Blessed competition, and they should be VERY proud of themselves. It was the opportunity of a lifetime and I hope they plan to compete again next year.

Band members: Paul Haugen (lead vocal and acoustic guitar,) Doug Frost (lead guitar,) Tim Douty (keys,) Dana Pellerin (drums,) Steven Estes (bass,) Jill Barnett (background vocalist,) and Frank Matthews (guitar.)

A lot to catch up on...

So, it's been a while since my last post and I realized that a lot has happened over the last month-or-so.

Steven celebrated his 25th birthday this month! My hubby is now a 1/4 of a century old. We were blessed to celebrate with both sides of our family and had a great time. We also got a special experience flying a plane! Yep, Steven's dad is a part owner of a small plane at the Reedley Airport and he took us up for about an hour. We had a great time. I got to fly the plane on the way back from going over my parent's house in Sanger. Awesome experience!

The next weekend, we got to spend some quality time with our great friends, Ray and Alicia. We drove up to Yosemite for the day. It was a long drive, but beautiful. Neither Steven or I had been up there in many years. The park admission was $20. per car and I'm not sure we had $20 worth of fun, but it was great to spend the time together. We packed a picnic lunch and stopped at Bridal Veil Falls to eat and then we found a beautiful meadow to stop and take some pictures. Alicia set up her fancy camera and we took some fun shots of all four of us. We are being ninjas in that last one...can you tell? It was a lovely day.

Friday, August 1, 2008


I'm not a "reading" person. The only time I ever enjoyed reading was in my high school literature classes. That mostly had to do with the fact that my teachers were awesome and didn't treat me like a kid. They respected me and my opinions of my readings (because if you know me at all, you'll know that I DO have opinions.) I so enjoyed reading The Great Gatsby, The Scarlet Letter, Beowolf, Great Expectations and other British lit materials.

However, now in my adult life, I just DON'T want to read. I would much rather watch the movie version of a book, even though most say that the book is better. Not sure why, but I just don't want to read normally.

Lately though, I have had the urge to read certain books. I want to learn more about the history of Christianity, about some of the key players in the Word; their background, their stories, their personalities, their ministry. I have purchased several books from recommended authors over the years and had every intention to read their books, and I have started some of them, and left a book mark wherever I left off, but never finished.

I have wanted to read The Power of a Praying Wife, The Life You've Always Wanted, His Needs/Her Needs, and recently Captivating. I actually think our new Growth Group will be doing Captivating as a study in the Fall.

I just have the desire to WANT to read now. Not necessarily that I want to READ, I just want the DESIRE to read. Does that make sense? So, if anyone has any good suggestions on where I should start with this I would gladly welcome them. I need to know how to get motivated and committed to reading and learn how to love and enjoy it. I guess I'm just afraid that the books that are suggested to me are going to turn out to be a disappointment. When in fact, I am the one who turns out to be the disappointment to myself.

Anyway, suggestions welcome.

Leslie's Suprise Party!

My best friend Leslie turned the big 3-5 in July! I wanted to do something special for her so, we had a little surprise party at Bobby Salazar's. Most all of her very best friends were there and we had a great time. And the best part was that she was honestly surprised! That just made MY day. She always reads me like a book and this was quite an accomplishment for me. We got her a cake with her picture screen-printed on the icing (yummy too!) and a fuzzy tiara and scepter. She had a great time and so did all of us. Here are some pictures.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Visit from Texans

My favorite cousins came to visit last week! Lisa and I got a whole day of pamering, it was wonderful! We both got our hair done, we got pedicures, and massages too! Oh how we're blessed!

Here is Lisa's "after" picture.

Yes, even 4-year-old Alison got in on the fun. She wanted "pink hair." So, that's what she got!

I'm so glad to have gotten the chance to see them, it wasn't long enough, but we are planning a trip to TX in the Fall! Love you girls!

4th of July - a little late

Our 4th of July was just lovely! We were invited to stay in a beach house in Shell Beach, CA with Charlissa and Matt. The house was so adorable and had quite a lot of potential, but it had two cats. Not the greatest hosts, but Charlissa and Matt did a fantastic job of cleaning that house so it didn't smell like cat at all! (the view from our house.)

We went to Paso Robles to enjoy a picnic and fireworks show with Charlissa's family.

Our other good friends, Megan and Paul Hemphill were at the coast that weekend as well and they joined us for the show.

The boys played football and had a blast. Paul got a minor injury and Steven was exhausted, but they all had a good time.

Before we left the next day, we went to the beach and took pictures. It was nice to be at the beach. I feel so relaxed there. It was a wonderful little trip! We had a great time.